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Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 5 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Buck, Rinker The Oregon Trail
A New American Journey
Simoon & Schuster, New York [u.a.] (2015)
Standort: 978 Buc

Schlagworte: American Myths, American West, History, Myth, Oregon Trail, Pioneers, Travel, Travel Journal, Travel Narratives, West (U.S.)

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Cox, Anna-Lisa The Bone and Sinew of the Land
America's Forgotten Black Pioneers & the Struggle for Equality
Public Affairs, New York, NY (2018)
Standort: 977.04 Cox

Schlagworte: 19th century, African Americans, Frontier and Pioneer Life, History, Indiana, Northwest, Ohio, Pioneers, Race Relations

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Evans, Claire L. Broad Band
The Untold Story of the Women Who Made the Internet
Penguin Random House, New York (2018)
Standort: 609 Eva

Schlagworte: History, Technology, Women Inventors, Women Pioneers

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Fairchild, Louis West Texas A & M University series
The lonesome plains (Band 7)
death and revival on an American frontier
Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Tex. (2002)
Standort: 976.4 Fai

Schlagworte: 19th century, Camp Meetings, Frontier and Pioneer Life, Funeral Rites and Ceremonies, History, Loneliness, Pioneers, Religious Life and Customs, Social Life and Customs, Solitude, Texas

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McLynn, Frank Wagons west
the epic story of America's overland trails
Grove Press, New York (2002)
Standort: 978 McL

Schlagworte: 19th century, Frontier and Pioneer Life, History, Overland Journeys to the Pacific, Pioneers, Trails, West (U.S.)

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