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Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 9 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

Autor Titel
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Chaikin, Andrew; Bork, Erik; Richmo From the Earth to the Moon
Home Box Office, [S.I.] (1998)
Standort: DVD 163 Fro

Schlagworte: Apollo Astronauts, Space Exploration, Space Flight to the Moon, Space Travel

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Chazelle, Damien Aufbruch zum Mond
Universal Pictures Germany, Hamburg (2018)
Standort: DVD 1314 Auf

Schlagworte: 1960s, Armstrong, Neil, Astronauts, Biographical Movie, Biography, Moon Landing, NASA, Space Flight to the Moon, Space Travel

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Dray, Philip Stealing God's thunder
Benjamin Franklin's lightning rod and the invention of America
Random House, New York, NY (2005)
Standort: 973.3 Fra

Schlagworte: 18th century, Biography, Electricity, Experiments, Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790, History, Lightning, Physicists, Physics, Statesmen

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Jefferson, Thomas; Peterson, Merril The Library of America
Writings (Band 17)
Viking Press, New York, N.Y. (1984)
Standort: 973.3 Jef

Schlagworte: 1783-1809, Declaration of Independence, Democracy, Education, Enlightenment, Jefferson Thomas (1743-1826), Political History, Politics and Government, Religious Right, Sources, Virginia

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Muir-Harmony, Teasel Apollo to the Moon
A History in 50 Objects
National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. (2018)
Standort: 629.45 Mui

Schlagworte: Apollo, Apollo Astronauts, History, Space Exploration, Space Flight to the Moon, Space Program, Space Travel

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Reynolds, David West; Schirra, Wall Apollo
the epic journey to the moon
Harcourt, New York, NY [u.a.] (2002)
Standort: 629.45 Rey

Schlagworte: History, Project Apollo, Space Flight to the Moon

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Slade, Suzanne; Gonzalez, Thomas Countdown
2979 Days to the Moon
Peachtree, Atlanta, Georgia (2018)
Standort: 629.45 Sla C

Schlagworte: Juvenile Literature, Space, Space Exploration, Space Flight to the Moon

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Children's Books

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Swanson, Susan Marie; Krommes, Beth The house in the night
Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston (2008)
Standort: 813 Swa C

Schlagworte: Dwellings, Light, Night

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Children's Books

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Tobin, James To conquer the air
the Wright Brothers and the great race for flight
Free Press, New York, NY [u.a.] (2003)
Standort: 629.13 Tob

Schlagworte: 20th century, Aeronautics, Flight, History, Wright, Orville, Wright, Wilbur

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