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Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 3 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Abrams, Stacey Lead from the outside
How to built your future and make real change
Henry Holt and Company, New York, NY (2019)
Standort: 328.73 Abr

Schlagworte: African American Legislators, African American Women Politicians, Biography, Georgia, Legislators, Political Participation, Politicians

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Ja, ist verfügbar.
Vorbestellung hier...

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Doctorow, Edgar L. The March
a novel
Random House, New York (2005)
Standort: 813 Doc

Schlagworte: Civil War, Georgia, Sherman's March Through the Carolinas, Sherman's March to the Sea, South Carolina

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Ja, ist verfügbar.
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McCullers, Carson; Hergt, Tobias Klett English Editions
The Ballad of the Sad Café
Klett, Stuttgart (2012)
Standort: 813 McC ER

Schlagworte: Georgia, Love, Tragedy

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Easy Readers

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Ja, ist verfügbar.
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