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Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 6 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

Autor Titel
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Blinder, Alan S. After The Music Stopped
The Financial Crisis, The Response, and the Work Ahead
Penguin Books, New York [u.a.] (2014)
Standort: 330 Bli

Schlagworte: Economic Conditions, Economic Policy, Finance, Financial Crises, Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009

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Ferguson, Charles H. Inside Job
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, [München] (2011)
Standort: DVD 556 Ins

Schlagworte: 2008, 2009, Documentary, Financial Crisis, History, World Economy

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Guldin, Bob Choosing the president 2008
a citizen's guide to the electoral process
The Lyons Press, Guilford, CT (2008)
Standort: 324.6 Cho

Schlagworte: 2008, Elections

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Mbue, Imbolo Behold the Dreamers
A Novel
Random House Audio, New York (2016)
Standort: 813 Mbu

Schlagworte: 2008, 2009, Cameroonians, Family Life, Family Secrets, Global Financial Crisis, Immigrants, Upper Class

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Rhodes, Ben After the Fall
Being American in the World We've Made
Random House New York, New York (2021)
Standort: 909.83 Rho

Schlagworte: 2017, 21st century, Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009, Globalization, History, Hungary, Nationalism, Political Aspects, Political Corruption, Politics and Government, Russia (Federation), World Politics

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Terkel, Studs Hard Times:
An Oral History of the Great Depression
The New Press, New York, NY (2005)
Standort: 973 Ter

Schlagworte: 1918-1945, 1919-1933, 1933-1945, Economic Conditions, Great Depression, History, Personal Narratives, Social Conditions, Terkel Studs, 1912-2008

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