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Komplettergebnis Ihrer Suche zum Ausdruck mit 11 Treffern (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

Autor Titel
Syste­matik Medium
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Critchlow, Donald T. Very short introductions
American Political History (Band 420)
a very short introduction
Oxford University Press, Oxford (2015)
Standort: 320.0973 Cri

Schlagworte: History, Political Culture, Politics and Government

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Ellis, Joseph J. American creation
triumphs and tragedies at the founding of the republic
Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY [u.a.] (2007)
Standort: 973.3 Ell

Schlagworte: 18th century, American National Characteristics, American Revolution, History, Political Culture, Politicians, Politics and Government, Statesmen

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Gimpel, James G.; Schuknecht, Jason Patchwork nation
sectionalism and political change in American politics
University of Michigan Pr, Ann Arbor, MI (2003)
Standort: 324.973 Gim

Schlagworte: Elections, Party Affiliation, Political Culture, Political Parties, Regional Disparities, State Governments, Voting

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Kornacki, Steve The Red and the Blue
The 1990s and the Birth of Political Tribalism
ecco, New York, NY (2018)
Standort: 306.20 Kor

Schlagworte: 1990s, 20th century, History, Political Culture, Political Parties, Politics and Government

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Levitsky, Steven; Ziblatt, Daniel How Democracies Die
Broadway Books, New York, NY (2018)
Standort: 321.8 Lev

Schlagworte: Democracy, Political Culture, Politics and Government

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Livingston, James American thought and culture
The world turned inside out
American thought and culture at the end of the 20th century
Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Md [u.a.] (2010)
Standort: 973.91 Liv

Schlagworte: 20th century, Intellectual Life, Political Culture, Politics and Government, Popular Culture, Social Change, Social Conditions

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Ja, ist verfügbar.
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Menand, Louis The Free World
Art and Thought in the Cold War
Picador Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York (2021)
Standort: 306.0973 Men

Schlagworte: 1945, 20th century, Civilization, Cold War, History, Intellectual Life, Political Culture, Popular Culture, Social Aspects

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Oppenheimer, Daniel M. [VerfasserIn Exit Right
The People Who Left the Left and Reshaped the American Century
Simon & Schuster, New York (2016)
Standort: 324.20 Opp

Schlagworte: 20th century, Affiliation, Biography, Conservatism, History, Intellectuals, Liberalism, Political Culture, Political Science, Politicians, Politics and Government, Right and Left, Social Change

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Schläger, Philipp Amerikas neue Rechte
Tea Party, Republikaner und die Politik der Angst
Rotbuch Verlag, Berlin (2012)
Standort: 320 Schl

Schlagworte: Conservatism, Fear, Political culture, Politics, Politics and Government, Republican Party (U.S., 1854- ), Tea Party Movement

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Shorris, Earl The politics of heaven
America in fearful times
W. W. Norton & Company, New York, NY [u.a.] (2007)
Standort: 973.93 Sho

Schlagworte: American National Characteristics, Christianity and politics, Conservatism, Fundamentalism, Pessimism, Political Aspects, Political Culture, Politics and Government, September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001

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Smith, Hedrick Who Stole the American Dream?
Random House, New York (2012)
Standort: 320 Smi

Schlagworte: American Dream, Divided Government, Government, History 20th Century, History 21th Century, Income Distribution, Middle Class, Polarization, Political Culture, Politics

Details hier
320, 300, 973


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