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Komplettergebnis Ihrer Suche zum Ausdruck mit 8 Treffern (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Duany, Jorge The Puerto Rican nation on the move
identities on the island and in the United States
University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill (2002)
Standort: 972.9505 Dua

Schlagworte: 20th century, Civilization, Ethnic Identity, Ethnicity, History, Identity, Nationalism, Puerto Rico

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Grandin, Greg The end of the Myth
From the Frontier to the Border Wall in the Mind of America
Metropolitan Books, New York (2019)
Standort: 973 Gra

Schlagworte: 20th century, Borderlands, Criticsm and Interpretations, Exceptionalism, Frontier, Frontier Thesis, History, National Characteristics, Nationalism, Turner, Frederick Jackson

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Hixson, Walter L. The myth of American diplomacy
national identity and U.S. foreign policy
Yale University Press, New Haven [u.a.] (2008)
Standort: 327.73 Hix

Schlagworte: Foreign Relations, Historiography, Militarism, Military Policy, National Characteristics, Nationalism, Philosophy

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Hodgson, Godfrey The Myth of American Exceptionalism
Yale University Press, New Haven [u.a.] (2009)
Standort: 320 Hod

Schlagworte: American National Characteristics, Civilization, Foreign Relations, Nationalism, Politics

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320, 327, 973


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Margulies, Joseph What changed when everything changed
9/11 and the making of national identity
Yale University Press, New Haven [u.a.] (2013)
Standort: 973 Mar

Schlagworte: National Characteristics, Nationalism, Nine Eleven, September 11, Terrorism, Terrorist Attacks, War on Terrorism

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973, 320, 327


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Neiman, Susan Learning from the Germans
Confronting Race and the Memory of Evil
Allen Lane An Imprint of Penguin Books, UK (2019)
Standort: 361 Nei

Schlagworte: Colonialism, Discrimination, German, Germany, History, Memory, Nationalism, Past, Politics, Race, Violence

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Rhodes, Ben After the Fall
Being American in the World We've Made
Random House New York, New York (2021)
Standort: 909.83 Rho

Schlagworte: 2017, 21st century, Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009, Globalization, History, Hungary, Nationalism, Political Aspects, Political Corruption, Politics and Government, Russia (Federation), World Politics

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Waititi, Taika Jojo Rabbit
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, München (2020)
Standort: DVD 1360 Joj

Schlagworte: Hitler, Adolf, Jews, Nationalism, Nazi Germany, Satire

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