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Komplettergebnis Ihrer Suche zum Ausdruck mit 7 Treffern (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Chappell, David L. A stone of hope
prophetic religion and the death of Jim Crow
The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill (2004)
Standort: 323.1196 Cha

Schlagworte: African Americans, Christianity, Christianity and politics, Church and social problems, Church history, Civil Rights Movement, Civil Rights Workers, Crow, Jim, Race Relations, Religion, Religious Aspects, Religious Life

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Kaepernick, Colin Abolition for the People
The Movement For a Future Without Policing and Prisons
Kaepernick Publishing, New York (2021)
Standort: 323.1 Kae

Schlagworte: Abolition, Activism, Communities, Freedom, Imprisonment, Jim Crow, Police, Policy, Prison, Race, Racism, Slavery, Social Change

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Lewis, John; Aydin, Andrew; Powell, March
March (Band Book Three)
Book Three
Top Shelf Productions, Marietta, GA (2016)
Standort: 813 Lew GN

Schlagworte: 1963, Civil Rights Movement, Graphic Novels, Injustice, Jim Crow, Nonviolent Revolution, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Voter Suppression

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Graphic Novels

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Lewis, John; Aydin, Andrew; Powell, March (Band 1)
Book One
Top Shelf Productions, Marietta, GA (2013)
Standort: 812.9 Lew GN

Schlagworte: Civil Rights Movement, Comic, Graphic Memoir, Jim Crow, Lewis, John, Race Relations, Segregation

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Graphic Novels

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Osborne, Linda Barrett Miles to Go For Freedom
Segregation & Civil Rights in the Jim Crow Years
Abrams, New York, NY (2012)
Standort: 305.896 Osb ABI

Schlagworte: 20th century, African Americans, Civil Rights, Civil Rights Movement, Freedom, History, Jim Crow, Juvenile Literature, Race Relations, Segregation

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For School

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Sacani, Christine; Steele, Elaine E The Rosa Parks story
Xenon Pictures, Santa Monica, CA (2002)
Standort: DVD 244 Ros

Schlagworte: Civil Rights Movement, Jim Crow, Segregation

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Ja, ist verfügbar.
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Woodward, Comer Vann The strange career of Jim Crow
Oxford University Press, New York, NY (1974)
Standort: 323.1 Woo

Schlagworte: Civil Rights Movement, Discrimination, Jim Crow, Racism, Segregation

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